CEO's Message
It is my privilege to welcome you to Genoa Medical Facilities (GMF), a multi-facility organization comprised of Genoa Hospital, Genoa Long Term Care and Genoa Assisted Living. At GMF, we understand that healthcare is evolving. The advancement of medicine and technology are providing local communities, like ours, access to better healthcare services. It is our desire to provide the best care in our region. Here at GMF, our success stems from our talented, compassionate employees and their application of our beliefs:
Commitment to the community
Respect for patients and residents
Excellence in current care
Forward thinking healthcare approach
Providing quality rural healthcare to you and your loved ones
It is our desire to create a positive and healing experience for you each time you have an encounter with us. We want you to feel comfortable with your caregivers here at GMF as they involve you in the plan of care for you or your family member.
As the Chief Executive Officer of GMF, if you ever have concerns about your care, or if you would like to share a positive experience for which we can reward or recognize our staff, please email me at agillard@genoamedical.org or drop by my office during regular business hours. My door is open to you.
Austin M. Gillard, MHA
Chief Executive Officer